Table of Contents

Manual for the schema curation interface, designed to visualize event schemas and aid human curation.

The Navigation Bar

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Navigation bar at the top of the page

Navigation bar at the top of the page

Uploading and Downloading a Schema

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Navigate to the Viewer.

  1. Press the Upload Schema button

Upload schema button and cloud download icon

Upload schema button and cloud download icon

  1. Browse to the JSON file to upload and press the upload button

Upload schema window

Upload schema window

If the JSON is successfully uploaded, you will see the title of the schema, the visualized graph, and a JSON editor.

Successfully visualized graph with a title on top and JSON editor to the right

Successfully visualized graph with a title on top and JSON editor to the right

Download the curated schema with the download button.

Upload schema button and cloud download icon

Upload schema button and cloud download icon

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